Did you know that free range chicken eggs have more nutritional value than a store bought egg?

Unlike store bought eggs that are high in LDL (bad) cholesterol, free range eggs are high in HDL (good) cholesterol! When you buy from Decker’s Happy Eggs, you’ll be supporting a local farm while taking care of your health.

You’ll notice when you get our eggs you may get a white or even green egg when you open our egg carton. That is because certain breeds of chickens make different color eggs.

Our Isa Brown and Golden Comet chickens make the brown eggs, while our Whiting True Blues will make a greenish color egg!

You also may notice that our eggs sometimes may have a small crack in the egg. Do you ever wonder why you don’t see that in commercial scale egg companies? In those companies, the company will cut off the beak of the chicken to make sure that the chicken won’t peck the egg and potentially crack it.

At Decker’s Happy Eggs, we cherish our chickens and would never do anything to harm them. We want to provide the best life we can for them, which in turn means you get happy eggs!


PS - the eggs you’ll get from Decker’s Happy Eggs will last weeks in the refrigerator without going bad!

Because our eggs have a protective coating around them, they’ll keep for much longer than your normal store bought eggs. When you buy commercial eggs, the protective coating gets washed off before ending up in the grocery store, which leaves them open to all the bacteria nature has to offer.

Ready to buy your first carton of free-range eggs?